Jumat, 18 Februari 2011


SS501 akan kembali dengan 3D video musik.

Rabu, 18 Agustus 2010

SS501 akan kembali dengan 3D video musik.

Termasuk dalam abum baru SS501's 'DESTINATION' dirilis pada bulan Mei, judul lagu "Love Ya" full version music video akan dibuat kembali ke dalam 3D. 3D video musik ini dibuat untuk para penggemar karena periode pendek kegiatan SS501 untuk album ini.

Ini video musik akan memiliki efek tiga-dimensi yang membuat SS501 menonjol seperti nyata di depan mata Anda. Dengan tarian dan ekspresi karismatik dan kerja kamera brilian, SS501 akan menampilkan berbagai jenis karisma.

JOY3D yang akan menghasilkan '3D video musik Love Ya' berkata "format 3D telah maju, sebelumnya terbatas pada film dan film komersial industri musik, bahkan dipengaruhi. video Musik dapat menjadi bagian dari musik dan kami kembali membuat mereka untuk 3D video musik, itu akan memiliki pengaruh yang besar dalam tren masa depan. "

SS501 will return with 3D music video.

Included in SS501’s new abum ‘Destination’ released in May, title song ‘Love Ya’ full version music video will be re-created into 3D. This 3D music video is made for the fans because of SS501’s short activity period for this album.

This music video will have the a three-dimensional effect that makes SS501 stands out like real in front of your eyes. With their dance and charismatic expressions and brilliant camera working, SS501 will show a different type of charisma.

JOY3D who will be producing ‘Love Ya’ 3D music video said “3D format has advanced, previously limited to movies and commercial films, it has even influenced music industry. Music video can be part of music and we re-create them to 3D music video, it will have a huge influence in the future trend.”

Credits : mystar@heraldm.com + SS601.com + (English Translation) xiaochu @ Quainte501.com
Indo trans: rtss501.blogspot.com

Album terbaru SS501 "Destination '' Ver Taiwan Eksklusif Terbatas akan Di rilis di Taiwan pada Satuday, 26 Juni .

Jumat, 25 Juni 2010

Album terbaru SS501 "Destination '' Ver Taiwan Eksklusif Terbatas akan Di rilis di Taiwan pada Satuday, 26 Juni .
Selama 2 minggu album ini bs pre-order, dan telah memenangkan No.1 di Taiwan penjualan terbesar internal portal - books.com.tw 's' Real Time Chart Hot Penjualan 'dan' Penjualan Bagan Mingguan '
Lagu berjudul "Love Ya" Telah menang di FETnet dan download Myfone nada dering . Meskipun anggota lainnya tidak dapat hadir dalam perjalanan ini, Golden Melody Award penyelenggara masih memperpanjang perhotelan mewah mereka terhadap tamu terhormat mereka. SS501 anggota Park Jung Min dan Kim Hyung Jun telah memutuskan untuk mendukung Golden Melody Award.
Mereka tidak hanya akan berpartisipasi dalam upacara karpet merah, tapi juga akan menampilkan penghargaan (Best Group & Best Komposer) di atas panggung! Park Jung Min & Kim Hyung Jun telah menyatakan bahwa mereka sangat bersyukur! Mereka akan tiba di Taiwan pada tanggal 25 Juni, Jumat, 19:00, oleh Thai Airways. Diperkirakan bahwa setelah menghadiri Golden Melody Award, mereka akan kembali ke Korea pada hari berikutnya, Minggu, 27 Juni. Meskipun seluruh anggota tim tidak bisa datang, tapi fans mereka akan tetap unchange dalam dukungan mereka terhadap SS501. Selama 2 minggu agar album mereka pra-, telah memperoleh peringkat Nomor 1 di internet penjualan terbesar Taiwan portal - toko buku book.com.tw's 'Real Time Hot Sales Chart' & 'Penjualan Bagan Mingguan'! Selain itu, mereka utama tema 'Love Ya' telah memenangkan juara untuk kedua FETnet dan download ringtone Myfone!

SS501 anggota Park Jung Min & Kim Hyung Jun akan tiba di Taiwan dengan Thailand Airline pada 19:00, Jumat, Juni 25. Mereka akan menghadiri Golden Melody Award pada hari berikutnya dan akan mengambil bagian dalam upacara karpet merah. Selain itu, mereka juga akan menghadirkan penghargaan Golden Melody bersama dengan Ken Chu. Meskipun mereka tidak akan tampil di atas panggung, kedua anak laki-laki merasa sangat tersanjung karena dapat berpartisipasi dalam upacara karpet merah dan juga memberikan penghargaan di atas panggung. Selain itu, mereka juga sangat senang bisa bertemu dengan artis musik paling bergengsi di Taiwan pada saat upacara penghargaan! Penyelenggara juga memperluas keramahan mereka terbesar terhadap anggota dan juga semua staf Korea, menerapkan clearance VIP adat dan juga pemesanan mereka tinggal di suite Presiden Grand Hyatt Taipei.

Sama seperti bagaimana Park Jung Min & Kim Hyung Jun telah memberikan dukungan penuh kepada Golden Melody Award, Taiwan Pea Putri (nama panggilan SS501 fan) juga akan memberikan dukungan penuh mereka untuk SS501! Membuat janji-janji mereka untuk bertemu pada Sabtu, 26 Juni Golden Melody Award! Tujuan SS501 '' Taiwan Eksklusif Edisi Terbatas (A) & (B) album, secara resmi akan rilis di Taiwan pada Sabtu, Juni 26. Setelah pre order 2 minggu '-, telah memenangkan No 1 untuk penjualan terbesar Taiwan portal internet - toko buku books.com.tw's' Real Time Chart Hot Penjualan 'dan juga' Penjualan Bagan Mingguan '. Setelah mendengar ini, para anggota menyentuh dan bersyukur atas dukungan penuh yang diberikan oleh para fans Taiwan. Banyak bergairah Putri Pea Taiwan bahkan menelpon Taiwan Warner Music, untuk pertanyaan apakah mereka bisa memberikan hadiah mereka kepada anggota.

Untuk ini, para anggota menyatakan: "Terima kasih atas semangat dari fans, tapi berharap bahwa para penggemar tidak akan menghabiskan uang mereka."

SS501 tim (Jung Min, Hyung Jun & tim staf) akan mengambil Thai Airways TG635, Taiwan tiba di 19:00, Jumat, Juni 25. Mereka akan berangkat pada 12:50, Minggu 27 Juni kembali ke korea dengan Thai Airways TG634 ke Korea.

English Translate:

SS501 lastest album ‘Destination’ Taiwan Exclusive Limited Album will release in Taiwan on Satuday, June 26

SS501 lastest album ‘Destination’ Taiwan Exclusive Limited Album will release in Taiwan on Satuday, June 26
2 weeks album pre-order, winning No.1 in Taiwan largest internal sales portal – books.com.tw’s ‘Real Time Hot Sales Chart’ and ‘Weekly Sales Chart’
Latest solo ‘Love Ya’ won champion of FETnet and Myfone ringtone downloadAlthough the other members couldn’t be present in this trip, Golden Melody Award organizer still extend their lavish hospitality towards their honourable guests. SS501 member Park Jung Min and Kim Hyung Jun have decided to support the Golden Melody Award. They will not only participate in the red carpet ceremony but also will be presenting awards (Best Group & Best Composer) on stage! Park Jung Min & Kim Hyung Jun have expressed that they are very thankful! They will arrive in Taiwan on June 25, Friday, 7pm, by Thai Airways. It is estimated that after attending the Golden Melody Award, they will return to Korea on the next day, Sunday, June 27. Although the whole team members could not come, but their fans will remain unchange in their support towards SS501. During their 2 weeks album pre-order, it has received the No. 1 ranking in Taiwan largest internet sales portal – book.com.tw book store’s ‘Real Time Hot Sales Chart’ & ‘Weekly Sales Chart’! In addition, their main theme ‘Love Ya’ has won the champion for both FETnet and Myfone ringtone download!

SS501 member Park Jung Min & Kim Hyung Jun will arrive in Taiwan by Thai Airline at 7pm, Friday, June 25. They will attend the Golden Melody Award on the next day and will take part in the red carpet ceremony. In addition, they will also be presenting Golden Melody awards together with Ken Chu. Although they will not perform on stage, both of the boys feel very honoured for being able to participate in the red carpet ceremony and also giving out awards on stage. In addition to it, they are also very happy to be able to meet with Taiwan’s most prestigous music artist during the award ceremony! The organizer has also extend their greatest hospitality towards the member and also all Korean staff, applying VIP custom clearance and also booking their stay in the Presidental suite of Grand Hyatt Taipei.

Just like how Park Jung Min & Kim Hyung Jun has rendered their full support to the Golden Melody Award, Taiwan’s Pea Princesses (SS501 fan’s nickname) will also give their full support to SS501! Making their promises to meet during the Saturday, June 26, Golden Melody Award! SS501 ‘Destination’ Taiwan Exclusive Limited Edition (A) & (B) album, will officially release in Taiwan on Saturday, June 26. After 2 weeks’ pre-order, it has won the No. 1 for Taiwan’s largest internet sales portal – books.com.tw book store’s ‘Real Time Hot Sales Chart’ and also ‘Weekly Sales Chart’. Upon hearing this, the members are touched and thankful for the full support rendered by their Taiwan fans. A lot of passionate Taiwan Pea Princesses have even called up Taiwan Warner Music, to enquiry whether they could pass their gifts to the members.

To this, the members expressed: “Thank you for the passion of the fans, but hope that the fans would not spend on them.”

SS501 team (Jung Min, Hyung Jun & staff team) will take the Thai Airways TG635, arriving Taiwan at 7pm, Friday, June 25. They will be leaving on 12:50pm, Sunday, June 27 by Thai Airways TG634 to Korea.

Credit:http://tw.topic.yahoo.com/goldenmelody/article/tw-features.yahookimo.com.tw/twfeaturesyahookimocomtw_201006231830+http://ss501ode.blogspot.com+ SS501fighting @ wordpress
Indo Translate : By rtss501.blogspot.com

Don’t re-edit
English Translation: SS501UFO @ Planet Hyun
Give proper credit when reposting, thanks!

[MESSAGE] KYU JONG 8th June 2010

Selasa, 08 Juni 2010

original message :

와.. ^^ 6월 8일 이구나... !!

시간은 정말 빠르죠..?!

돌이키려고해도 돌이킬수없고 붙잡으려해도 붙잡을 수 없는게 시간이라는데..^^

그렇게 소중한 우리들의 시간이 5년이 훌쩍 흘렀어요..하하!!

정말 .. 고맙다는 말밖에.. 드릴말이 없어요..

많은 사랑받은만큼...이제는 우리가..내가 돌려줘야 할때인데..


처음만난날 기억나요?..

일 산이었죠..헤.. 무대위에서 우리 다섯명.. 정말 긴장도 많이하고

설레임도 많고.. 실수도있었지만..너무나도 행복했던 출발이었죠..^^


나 김규종이란 사람. 아이돌이라는 가수가 꿈이어서.

이 꿈 이루고싶어서.. 중학생때부터 여기저기 오디션도 보러다니고..^^

그러다가 지금 우리 멤버들만나서 함께 연습도하고..무대도 서게되고..

꿈만같던 시간들이었어요..^^ 시간이 지나면 오늘도 정말 많이 기억나겠죠?..

늘 좋은 모습만 보여드리고싶고 누구보다 멋진모습보여드리고싶은데..

아직도 많이 부족한 점도 많고..^^ 노력해야할것도 많은거 잘알아요.

이런 저 그리고 이런 우리 오공돌이 많이 사랑해주신거 정말로 감사드려요.

어느덧.. 5년이란 시간이 훌쩍지나서.. 방송국에 가도 이제 막내가 아니더라구요..ㅎㅎ

신기해요..^^ 시간이 흐르다보니까..우리 이쁜이들도..

학년도 올라가고..졸업도하고..취직도 하고.. 곧 결혼한다는 분도 있고..^^

너 무 기분좋아요! 좋은 소식만 들으니까..^^ 앞으로도

공부 열심히 일 열심히 그리고 좋은사람만나서 결혼도 잘하구..그랬으면 좋겠어요!

이쁜이들이 좋은 소식 전해줄때가..기분 가장 좋아요..^^ 히..

하고싶은말 도 많고 해주고싶은 말도 많은데..어이쿠 뭐라고 글을 써야할지 모르겠어요..

그냥 고맙고..미안하다는 말밖에는 ..

정 말 고마워요 ^^ ㅎㅎ 예쁜 완두콩..너무나도 예쁜 완두콩..^^

기쁜날.. 우리 다같이 축하해요!!

헤 헤!! 자야겠다~~ 내일 스케줄 나가려면 자야겠어요 !!^^

ㅎ 잘자요..이쁜이들..

고마워요. 정말 고마워요.. 이렇게 컴퓨터로 고맙다는 말 표현해서 미안해요..^^;


eng trans :

Wah..^^ It's now June 8... !! @ 2010-06-08, 3:12:18 AM

Time really flies isn't it..?!

Though time can be changed about, but it can't be turned back,
though time can be grabbed hold of, but it can't be grabbed hold about..
That's time..^^
Just like that, our 5 years passed by like that in the flow of a course..haha!!

Really.. Besides the word thank you.. I don't have any others to deliver across..

To this extend of receiving so much love...Even like now when I have to repay this..


Did you remember our first meeting?..

It was at Ilsan nyo..Heh.. 5 of us standing on stage.. Was really very nervous
And very excited.. Though also had blunders.. It was still a really happy trip..^^


Me as a person like Kim KyuJong. To be an idol singer was my dream.

Because I wanted to fulfil this dream.. Beginning since my middle school days,
I already began auditioning here and there..^^

Since then along with our members, we practised together.. stood on the stage together..
Moments spent just like a dream..^^ As time passes, many memories really began to surface
today, isn't it?..

Really wanted to always show the good performances of ours, the side that's much more amazing
than any others'.. Though still very much lacking in abit here and there..^^
To have to work much harder too, I know that well by heart too.
Really very thankful for your love showed to me and our members.
Since when.. 5 years flowed by like a course so quickly.. We even go to the tv stations,
and from that, we are no longer maknaes ne..hh

Amazing..^^ As time flows by so quickly.. Our pretties too..

Some have attended school.. Graduated.. Employed.. And even some, to be married soon..^^

Feels really wonderful! Been hearing only good news that's why..^^
In future too,

Study hard, Work hard,
Since you had met a good person, treat him/her well and treat your marriage well..
If so, that'd be great!

When our pretties deliver good news, that's when I feel the best..^^ Hee..

Many things that I wish to say, many things that I wish to tell you.. Aigu what's this nya
Don't even know what to write..

Just..thanks ^^ hh
Pretty pealings (green peas).. Really pretty pealings..^^
Happy day.. Let's all congratulate together!!

Heh heh!! Have to go sleep now~~ There's schedule tomorrow, have to go and sleep !!^^

h Goodnight.. pretties..

Thank you. Really thank you.. Sorry that I don't have any other words to express with besides
thank you since I'm using the computer to do so..^^;

Seriously, Thank You..!


besides Aigu, I have nothing to express with...


TOK room

Thank you.. ^^ @ 2010-06-08, 03:15:48 AM

Today's schedule ended late, after finishing a meal, it ended up late like that..T
@ 2010-06-08, 3:16:15 AM

Nights..^^ Thank you...!!!! @ 2010-06-08, 3:17:57 AM

indo trans :

Wah .. ^ ^ Sekarang Juni 8 ... ! @ 2010/06/08, 03:12:18

Waktu benar-benar lalat bukan ..?!

Meskipun waktu dapat berubah tentang, tetapi tidak dapat diubah kembali,
meskipun waktu dapat mencengkeram, tetapi tidak dapat mencengkeram tentang ..
Itu waktu .. ^ ^
Sama seperti itu, 5 tahun lewat kami seperti itu dalam arus kursus .. haha!

Benar-benar .. Selain kata terima kasih .. Saya tidak memiliki orang lain untuk memberikan seluruh ..

Untuk memperpanjang ini menerima cinta begitu banyak ... Bahkan seperti sekarang ketika aku harus membayar ini ..

^ ^ Eum ..!

Apakah Anda ingat pertemuan pertama kita? ..

Saat itu di Ilsan Nyo .. Heh .. 5 dari kami berdiri di atas panggung .. Apakah benar-benar sangat gugup
Dan sangat senang .. Meskipun juga memiliki kesalahan .. Itu masih merupakan perjalanan sangat senang .. ^ ^

Serius ..

Saya sebagai orang seperti Kim KyuJong. Untuk menjadi seorang penyanyi idola adalah impian saya.

Karena aku ingin memenuhi impian ini .. Mulai sejak saya sekolah menengah hari,
Saya sudah mulai audisi di sana-sini .. ^ ^

Sejak itu bersama dengan anggota kami, kami berlatih bersama-sama .. berdiri di panggung bersama-sama ..
Menghabiskan saat-saat seperti mimpi .. ^ ^ Seiring dengan berjalannya waktu, banyak kenangan benar-benar mulai permukaan
hari ini, bukan? ..

Benar-benar ingin untuk selalu menunjukkan kinerja yang baik dari kita, pihak yang jauh lebih menakjubkan
daripada .. ada orang lain Meskipun masih sangat kurang di abit di sana-sini .. ^ ^
Untuk harus bekerja lebih keras juga, saya tahu bahwa dengan baik oleh hati juga.
Sungguh sangat berterima kasih atas cinta Anda menunjukkan kepada saya dan anggota kami.
Sejak kapan .. 5 tahun mengalir oleh seperti kursus begitu cepat .. Kami bahkan pergi ke stasiun tv,
dan dari itu, kita tidak lagi maknaes jj ne ..

Amazing .. ^ ^ Seperti waktu mengalir begitu cepat .. Bengek kami juga ..

Beberapa bersekolah .. Lulus .. Kerja .. Dan bahkan beberapa, akan segera menikah .. ^ ^

Merasa benar-benar indah! Telah mendengar kabar baik hanya itulah sebabnya .. ^ ^
Di masa mendatang juga,

Belajar keras, Kerja keras,
Karena Anda sudah bertemu orang baik, memperlakukan dirinya dengan baik dan memperlakukan pernikahan Anda dengan baik ..
Jika demikian, itu akan menjadi besar!

Ketika bengek kami menyampaikan kabar baik, saat itulah aku merasa yang terbaik .. ^ ^ Hee ..

Banyak hal yang ingin saya katakan, banyak hal yang saya ingin memberitahu Anda .. Aigu apa nya ini
Bahkan tidak tahu apa yang harus menulis ..

Hanya terima kasih .. ^ ^ jj
Pretty pealings (kacang hijau) .. Benar-benar cantik pealings .. ^ ^
Selamat hari .. Mari kita semua selamat bersama-sama!

Heh heh! Harus pergi tidur sekarang ~ ~ Ada jadwal besok, harus pergi dan tidur! ^ ^!

h Goodnight .. bengek ..

Terima kasih. Sungguh terima kasih .. Maaf bahwa saya tidak punya kata lain untuk mengungkapkan dengan selain
terima kasih karena aku menggunakan komputer untuk melakukannya ..^^;

Serius, Terima kasih ..!


selain Aigu, Ku tak bisa mengungkapkan dengan ...

************************************************** ***

Tok kamar

Terima kasih .. ^ ^ @ 2010/06/08, 03:15:48

jadwal hari ini berakhir terlambat, setelah selesai makan, itu berakhir sampai larut malam seperti itu T ..
Maaf .. ^ ^
@ 2010/06/08, 03:16:15

Credit: DSP website + (Trans) ode@blog + Indotrans:rtss501.blogspot.com
Posted by ㅇㄷ♥ @ 10:30 AM Links to this post

Love Ya peringkat 1 di Chart top [number 1 for love ya at Chart top]

Senin, 07 Juni 2010

album baru SS501's DESTINATION Love Ya 'mencapai puncak penjualan Diskografi. Pada DESTINATION Normal versi yang dirilis pada 3 Juni mencapai posisi 1,
sedangkan versi album khusus yang dirilis pada 28 Mei mencapai posisi ke-2.
Love Ya sebenarnya telah lama mendapatkan peringkat Nomor 1 di berbagai chart online untuk pre-orderings dan pencarian realtime No.1, serta tangga lagu No.1 realtime.
kerja yang bagus Oppa!!!

English translation:
SS501's new album DESTINATION's 'Love Ya' reached the top of discography sales. On the 7th morning, Hanteo charts' system revealed its weekly sales charts, Destination's Normal version which was released on 3rd June reached the 1st place,
while the special version album which was released on the 28th May reached the 2nd place for that.
Love Ya has actually long gotten its Number 1 on various online charts for preorderings and realtime searches No.1, as well as realtime music charts No.1.
Good job Oppa!!!!

Credit: chosun, english trans: ode, indotrans:rtss501
kalo mau NGEPOST ulang tulisan ini cantumkan Credit lengkap tanpa di ubah!!!

Comeback Stage ss501 @music bank

Sabtu, 05 Juni 2010

Bagi yang belum liat musik bank kemarin, nih cuplikan comback stagenya para suami kita, SS501

For those not see music bank yesterday, this is a piece of Comback stage Our Husband, SS501.


Credit: youtube, eng and indo trans: rtss501.blogspot.com


Selasa, 01 Juni 2010

maaf baru bisa ngepost di blog soal ini. tepa seperti yang dijanjikan, tanggal 31 mei kemarin akhirnya MV Love YA dalam album Destination akhirnya RILIS.
Keren banget. perubahan image ss501 dengan konsep masker seperti pada photo, di tambah dengan alunan orkestra, sungguh membuat para Triple S terpesona!!!

check this out!!!

Teaster LOVE YA

Rabu, 26 Mei 2010

Bener-bener bikin penasaran... TEASTER-nya ajah bikin deg deg deg... apa lagi kalao MV-nya udah muncul...TS seindonesia pasti bakal heboh dagh!!!

[News+Photo] SS501, the new album ‘DESTINATION’ begin online reservation on the 24th (+New album Photos)

Kamis, 20 Mei 2010

Credit: http://www.newsen.com
Don’t reedit+HOTLINK
English Translation: SS501fighting.wordpress.com
Give proper credit when reposting, thanks!




SS501, the new album ‘DESTINATION’ begin online reservation on the 24th

Group SS501 new album ‘DESTINATION’ comeback ahead in the music industry begins online reservations through online music shop from the 24th.

Holds many of the world Gold Disc, even arranged the music of the last ‘REBIRTH’ Album, American music producer STEVEN LEE has once again teamed with SS501 to advance this album to large world project.

Also, natural features of members before the concepts of th e album pictorial and the world trend which turned into mature men with of European-style suits after the concepts of the pictorial, SPECIAL EDITION album will included an evil Sado masochistic (SM) concept in progress, and the NORMAL edition album will be able to see the variety charm features consists of SS501 with Black & White image transformation, no decoration, clean and intensity sexy look.

On July 24, online booking will start for the ‘SPECIAL E DITION’ version through online music store such as YES24, Kyobo Bookstore and Interpark and Al addin , there is also a lottery signing event planning for customers who purchase through YES24 until the 28th.

Meanwhile, the new album of SS501 will be released at the end of May and on the 22nd will be the stage of Dream Concert beforehand.

indo translate:

SS501, album baru "DESTINATION" memulai pemesanan online pada tanggal 24.
Album baru ss501 ‘DESTINATION’ Kembali dalam industri musik dimulai dengan pemesanan online melalui online music shop pada tanggal 24.

Banyak memegang Gold Disc dunia, saat mengaransemen musik terakhir pada album ‘REBIRTH’, Produser musik American STEVEN LEE sekali lagi bekerja sama dengan ss501 untuk memajukan album pada suatu projek besar dunia.

selain itu, karakter natural dari member sebelum konsep pada gambar album dan trend dunia yang berubah menjadi orang dewasa dengan setelan bergaya Eropa setelah konsep album, SPECIAL EDITION album akan di masukan sebuah konsep sebuah EVIL Sado masochistic (SM) dalam progress-nya,dan album edisi NORMAL akan dapat melihat berbagai pesona fitur terdiri dari SS501 dengan transformasi gambar Hitam Putih, tidak ada dekorasi, bersih dan intensitas terlihat seksi.
pada 24 juli
, pemesanan online akan dimulai untuk versi ‘SPECIAL E DITION’melalui toko musik online seperti YES24, Kyobo Bookstore dan Interpark dan addin Al, ada juga acara undian penandatanganan perencanaan untuk pelanggan yang membeli melalui YES24 sampai 28.

Sementara itu, album baru SS501 akan dirilis pada akhir Mei dan pada tanggal 22 akan menjadi tahap Konser Dream sebelumnya.
----------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------


Hyun Joong ~ Noona resonant sexy eyes

Young Saeng ~ Black Charismatic ‘explosion’

Kyu Jong ~ Charismatic gaze ‘raider’

Jung Min ~ ”My brother is back’

Hyung Jun ~ This Miracle Nose

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